Tuesday 3 November 2009

Son's Of Anarchy Season 2 episode 8 review

*Tara kicks this episode off by putting down John Teller's book on the table in front of Jax. She says, "I finished it." Jax says, "What do you want me to say? " Tara replies, "You keep saying you want to change things, but you keep repeating old behavior. You can't have it both ways." Jax asks Tara, "Is there anything you love so much you'd protect it no matter what the cost; or the damage it did to you?" Tara replies, Yeah, the child." Jax said, "That's how I feel about this club. Since I was five Tara, all I ever wanted was a Harley and a cut. Now look, change wont happen quick, or without blood; but it'll happen. It has to."

*Gemma decides she needs to have a "Family" dinner to try to hold the club together. It's what the "family" needs right now.

*Bobby starts talking to some of the guys about what Clay and Jax are fighting about. Bobby mentions he thinks it might be something about Donna. Tig says it ain't that. Opie says he'll talk to Jax about it. The conversation breaks up when Jax walks into the room.

*Elliot talks to Clay about protecting the town against Jacob Hale and his plans to take over the town. Elliot as much as Clay and the rest of SAMCRO want Charming to stay the way it is without new real estate development coming in. In exchange for SAMCRO's influence, Elliot will give a small piece of land to SAMCRO to use for what we can only assume, gun trade.

*A pretty funny moment happens when some of the guys are at the porn studio talking about going to Gemma's dinner. None of this is exact words exchanged here, but the general ideas is covered.... Opie mentions he want's to take Lila with. Jax says Gemma won't mind. They ask if he's "hittin it". He says no, and mentions that she's been a lot of help with his kids. Bobby says, You gotta hit that. She is a porn star. They guys ask Bobby, "What do you know about hitting porn stars?" They totally raz Bobby, and the stuttering and fumbling over his words was truly hilarious! Of course Bobby has never told any of the guys about him and Luanne.

*The porn studio gets broken in to. They stole the H.D. Camera and Luanne's laptop that had 3 rough cuts on it. The guard dog was also killed. In the guard dog's blood on the door was written, "dead bitch". They know it was Georgy, and Jax takes the lead with some of the guys and goes to seek revenge.

*Clay and crew meet with one of the Chinese, Lin, because he wants A.K.'s and will pay double for as many as SAMCRO can get. Remember Chuck? He's the guy who had an OCD jerk off problem? As a show of good faith Lin wants to give (the master baiter) back to SAMCRO. They "whacked off" all but his two pointer fingers. "If you can't grab it, you can't pull it." Reluctantly, SAMCRO leaves with Chuck. He can do some accounting. You only need two fingers for the calculator.

*Chib's "WIFE" shows up at the hospital. What kind of shitstorm will this bring?

*Clay and crew surprise visit the young Irishman's house. They ask where the Russian A.K.'s are. He says they were sold. SAMCRO leaves. They put Kip on first watch. They will find and get their guns.

*Gemma and Tara are in the hospital. Shortly after Gemma explains some history about Chibs' wife to Tara, Gemma asks Tara about how Chibs' insurance is holding out. Tara say's it's gone and he will have to finish his healing at another hospital. Gemma says, "That can't happen. Chibs and his wife have to stay in their sights". Tara says, "You see that redhead? That's Margaret Murphy, Chief Administrator. She's been up my ass about the club. I try anything, She'll be all over it. Can't happen." Margaret Murphy gets on the elevator, and Gemma hops in for the ride down as well. From the smirk on Gemma's face, you know she is going to start something.

*Tig and Clay talk. There is an interesting dynamic between these two. All along, we think of them as being kind of buddy buddy, but it's almost more of a father son thing; more of a doubtful that the son has the balls to do anything when needed, and disappointed father son kind of thing. Clay is doubting that Tig is the same guy he was before the whole Donna incident. Clay thinks Tig wont have enough balls to do what it takes to make a hard call anymore.

*While Jax and crew are going in to talk to Leroy from the One Niners, Clay and crew are trying to take guns back from the Irish and A.J. Weston. They Mayan's are at the One Niners club and a shit storm happens there. They almost get killed. This hold up is why they weren't able to answer their cell phones from Clay's calls to help get the guns back. With some fancy talking, they get out by the skin of their teeth. Any love between SAMCRO and the Mayans is dead. In the meantime, Clay and crew, while attempting to get the guns have really bad timing. Just as they start a gun fight to take the A.K.'s, more people show up to start in on the gun fight. SAMCRO makes it out with just a few of the A.K.'s.

*People are gathered at Gemma's for dinner. Tara confronts Gemma with a piece of paper. She say's what did you do? Did you threaten her? No, I just had a chat. The piece of paper was a hostile work environment claim filed against her and her proxy, filed by Margaret Murphy. Tara could loose her job over this. Tara shows that she is really really pissed off. Just then Tara turns to see Lila. And out comes some of the best lines I've ever hear in my entire life. "Perfect, Serving hand jobs for desert?" Then Tara talks to Jax. He asks her to ease up a bit on Lila. She says, "I know, She is just doing her best. Trust me, I keep hanging out with this family, I may be sucking cock to pay my bills to."

*Remember when Jax and company got revenge on Georgy? Just as the arguments are getting good, Hale walks in and they all shut up. He apologizes for interrupting. He informs them that they just found Luanne off of county 18 beaten to death. Clay asks Jax, "Did you cause this? Pay Back?" Then a huge fight explodes. Even a Comment about killing Donna is tossed in by Jax. Gemma silences everyone by slamming the dinner platter onto the table smashing it into bits. She is shaking. The episode ends here.

HOLY SHITake mushrooms, I did not know one could pack so much into one episode. They never cease to amaze me. Can't wait till tonight!


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